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Online Classifieds Popularity Is On The Rise !
“When Business is Good, it Pays to Advertise !”
“When Business is Bad, You Must Advertise ! ”
Online classifieds is one of the most powerful advertising tool available on the web today. Due to the simplicity of Ad posting and the worldwide reach of classified sites, average advertisers can now sell their houses, cars, pets and even business ideas on a daily basis, and possibly for free, to thousands of potential customers.
Online classifieds are gaining grounds on traditional newspaper advertising, slowly but steadily. The opportunity out there is huge and borderless! Look at the number of new players joining this playing field each month (like facebook and friendster) and you will realise that online classifieds are here to stay.
How can I write a better classified Ad?
• How come other Ads are attracting more visitors than my Ad?
• Why is my sales conversion not as high as my competitors’?
• Is there a way to improve the sales and click-through rate of my Ad?
If you are asking any of the above questions, then this one is for you.
To begin, you will need to understand that there is no such thing as a perfect Ad, only a perfectly “ugly” Ad. In other words, one may not spot a well-written Ad at once, but you can quite easily see if an Ad is badly-written. So for a start, you should try NOT to get yourself onto the “badly-written” path. After you succeed in doing that, you will need to get started (quickly) on the harder but more effective “well-written” path.
To avoid being labelled as a badly-written Ad, you will need to take note of 2 things:
1. Ad Title 2. Ad Description
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